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8th Special Operations Company, the “Steel Tornado”; Altecha Chan, commanding
Topic Started: Oct 26 2010, 11:50 PM (48 Views)

450th Special Mechanized Operations Force – 8th Special Operations Company, the “Steel Tornado”

Mission Profile: To act as autonomous unit in neutralizing threats to the United States of America, her government, and her people.
Combat Personnel: A squad of 4 Power Armor pilots, platoon of riflemen, and a platoon of Electronics Warfare specialists
Support Personnel: A platoon of medical personnel, a platoon of mechanics, and a platoon of Ammunition & Supply engineers
Total Personnel: 200 over five platoons and one armored squad
Home Base: deployed by a mobile base of operations

Assault Platoon: 4x RGM-89 Jegan Power Armor, lead by Captain Altecha Chan

Maintenance Platoon: Mechanics from the Russian Federation 2nd Guards Tank Army, lead by Lieutenant Dimitri Romanov

Medical Platoon: Bundeswher unit with Swedish nurses, lead by Oberleutenant

Ammunition & Ordinance: Supply personnel from Mexican Armed Forces, lead by Sergeant Maria Vasquez

Electronics Warfare: People’s Liberation Army unit lead by Lieutenant (Shao Wei) Jinyuan Wu

Infantry: Soldiers from the “4 Gorkha Rifles” of the Indian Army. Lead by Lieutenant Rani Lakshmibai
Edited by Chan, Nov 28 2010, 09:44 PM.
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Posted Image
Name: Altecha Chan
Rank: Captain
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Occupation: Commanding Officer of 8th Special Operations Company
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 150lbs
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown
Affiliation: United States Military-Police
Power Armor: RGM-89 Jegan
Special Merits:
- Top of the class in Combined Forces Training
- Top of the class in Heavy Weapons Training
Combat Training:
- Squad-based Tactics and Support
- Power Armor Basic Training
- Ground Combat Basic Training
- Ground Support Advanced Training
- Urban Warfare Basic Training
- Maneuver Warfare Basic Training
Previous Engagements:
- Distinguished himself during counter-insurgency operations with light infantry against rogue Power Armors. As a lieutenant, he received commendations for neutralizing a force of rogue Power Armors occupying a series of towns in Maryland with acceptable casualties.
Martial Status: Single
Family: Father, civilian; Mother, civilian
Known Languages:
- English
- Chinese
- German
- Russian
Physical Health Evaluation:
- Fit for combat and command
Psyche Profile:
- Fit for Combat
Physical Combat:
- Fit for Power Armor combat
Personality: Friendly with a bit of sarcasm, patient, honor,

Background: Graduated from West Point military academy with a commission as a second lieutenant. Later on as a first lieutenant, Chan engaged in Army operations against insurgent forces as part of a Mechanized Infantry Battalion. It is during one patrol that Lieutenant Chan took command of several infantry companies to defend a crucial highway junction. The lieutenant then took that same force and repelled enemy forces that had taken control of towns at key points on the highway.

Afterwards, the newly promoted Captain Chan is given orders to take command of a Power Armor company in the USMP. The company is known as the “Steel Tornado” due to its lineage back to the Armored Infantry battalions of the 8th Armored Division. The company is no ordinary American formation, however. The platoons and pilots that make up the 8th Special Operations Company came from different military governments as a sign of support for the United States. Most are noncommissioned officers supported by enlisted soldiers from their host nations. They all report to Captain Chan, since he has complete authority over the multinational force.

On paper, the company appears to be seamless and able to fulfill all of the functions of a typical American mechanized company. In reality however, no thought has been put to organizing the company into an effective combat unit. While they are professional soldiers, they come from different military structures. It will take all of Chan’s skills to complete the “Steel Tornado’s” mission of hunting renegade PAs and to stop them from killing each other.
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Members of the Jegan Power Armor Assault Platoon:

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(First Sergeant McDune in dress uniform)

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(On Training maneuvers)

Name: Daniel McDune
Status: OK
Rank: First Sergeant
Age: 55
Gender: Male
Occupation: Company Senior Non-Com officer, Assault Platoon radio operator
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 210 lbs
Hair Color: White with gray
Eye Color: Blue
Affiliation: USMP
Mobile Weapon: RGM-89 Jegan
Personality: passive aggressive, sarcastic, grumbles with a voice like thunder

United States Military Dossier File - commentary by Captain Altecha Chan, 8th Special Operations Company

“Sergeant McDune is one of the few reminders that the 8th Special Operations Company is an American military unit. McDune is a career soldier who came from the old school style of military thinking when Power Armors were still a novelty. Despite being old enough to be my father, he has completed the recertification courses to fit in the modern Power Armor military. It doesn’t mean that he doesn’t grumble about it. McDune is not afraid to speak his mind, and is more than happy to share it with you (most of which is how the US military is just not what it used to be). Nevertheless, I find him as not only the most experienced but also the most dependable member of my team. I am fortunate that he has confidence in my ability to command.”

Posted Image
(Lieutenant DeJou when she wants to be pleasant)

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(DeJou with a cup of French Roast coffee)

Name: Antoinette DeJou
Status: OK
Rank: Lieutenant le peloton (Lieutenant of Calvary, note: just lieutenant will be fine)
Age: 29
Gender: Female
Occupation: Assault Platoon heavy weapons gunner
Height: 6'6"
Weight: s’en aller!
Hair Color: Brunette
Eye Color: Green
Affiliation: French Foreign Legion, in cooperation with USMP
Mobile Weapon: RGM-89 Jegan (handles squad’s Heavy Chaingun)
Personality: overly confident and assertive in her beliefs, Amazonian physique, annoying yet seductive in the typical French style

United States Military Dossier File - commentary by Captain Altecha Chan, 8th Special Operations Company

“(To be compiled)”

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(Leftenant Churchill with his old Barrett sniper rifle)

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(Churchill with commonly seen pipe. The leftenant began growing the mustache shortly upon his arrival in America. To the dismay of others, he also brought his favorite bagpipes with him.)

Name: Henry Churchill
Status: OK
Rank: First “Leftenant”
Age: 30
Gender: Male
Occupation: Assault Platoon sniper
Height: 5'1”
Weight: 185 lbs
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Blue
Affiliation: British Royal Marines, in cooperation with USMP
Mobile Weapon: RGM-89 Jegan (handles squad’s Sniper Rifle with Targeting System)
Personality: Egotistic, “Napoleon complex” (inferiority complex about his height; think angry dwarf), arrogant in that British way

United States Military Dossier File - commentary by Captain Altecha Chan, 8th Special Operations Company

“(To be compiled)”
Edited by Chan, Nov 28 2010, 11:13 PM.
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